How do I borrow and return a laptop?


You simply select 'borrow a laptop,' tap your ID card, then read and agree the terms of loan. Please make a note of the time you need to return the laptop by. If you fail to return it on time you will be fined £1 per hour.

When the time is up or you have finished with the laptop, select 'return laptop' from the screen, tap your ID card and the correct compartment will open for you. Remember to re-insert the charging cable, if you do not plug the laptop in it will remain on your account. Also, please check that the locker door has shut properly.

Laptop safe locations:

Coventry - in the library

Dagenham - second floor of the South Wing

Greenwich - in the library

Scarborough - at the front of the building

​If you notice a fault with a laptop, please hand it in at the library desk.


  • Last Updated Sep 03, 2024
  • Views 121
  • Answered By Tracy Robertson

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