How do I access the Times Higher Education Supplement?


Create your account

  1. Visit the Times Higher Education (THE) homepage to create an account.
  2. Select the User Account link, it is the little person icon.
  3. Select Register from the drop-down menu.
  • Select either Academic, Student, Parent or University Administrator from the drop down.
  • When creating an account you need to use your University email address.
  • Create a password and username that displays if you decide to submit a comment. Please note, if you enter a username already in use it might not create your account. If it does this, start the registration again. 
  • Choose whether you wish to get newsletters and be contacted by THE/TES Global.
  • Select Join us.
  • The website should say Registration successful. You are now logged in.
Once registration is completed you can then access all the THE online content without any restrictions.
You can use either your email address and password or your username and password to log in.
Accessing the Digital Editions
  1. On the THE homepage, select the Professional header and then choose Digital Editions from the drop-down menu.
  2. Then select the issue you wish to view. 

Accessing the App

  1. Download the app from your app store provider. 
  2. Select what edition you would like to view, eg UK Edition or Global Edition.
  3. Open Account and select Existing THE account.
  4. Enter the username and password you created when setting up your online account. Note: your username is different to your email address and may have been automatically assigned. You can find your username by signing into the desktop version of THE. It is displayed underneath the green 'little person' icon.
  5. Once logged in you can select and view issues of the THE.



  • Last Updated Mar 14, 2019
  • Views 158
  • Answered By Paul Smith

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If you are in the library building, you can speak to one of our friendly team at the Welcome Desk or stop one of our roving enquiry team in the purple t-shirts.